A Worrying Time For a Video Production Company
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As an owner of a video production company and animation studio, like any other business owner the thought of losing everything you’ve battled so hard for over the years is a sobering thought to say the least. Losing a business or livelihood is not life or death but it would be a bitter blow. This is currently a reality for many business owners, employees and freelancers around the world due to Covid-19. Like every type of business out there, a video production company or animation studio takes many years to build. Over time a reputation is forged.
Video Production Teammates
Unearthing the right people that you want to share your working life with is incredibly difficult and often takes years. Fortunately, I got the hang of recruitment over the years and only collaborate with decent human beings. People that I would happily spend time with socially. Folk who not only care about the next video production or animation gig, but more importantly are decent people who care about others and stand by their morals. Respectful and considerate people. The kind of team you’d look forward to sharing a brew with after a long day on set or in the animation studio. You know you can be upfront and straight down the line with them. My kind of people. Our video production company is more than a business. It’s a small family. We often share the stresses and strains that come our way in life and always know we have support. During these challenging times it reminds me of how lucky I am for this.
Binary Opposites
When running a full-service video production company and animation studio, just like in life there will always be ups and downs. This is inevitable and unavoidable. You can’t fully revel in the most fantastic times if there aren’t a few rough rides along the way. Comparisons are essential. That overwhelming sense of achievement and contentedness can only be reached and truly appreciated by the occasional bleak reminder of darker times. It’s this binary opposite that can have the power to make life magnificent and full of joy. If you’ve been tainted by challenging circumstances in your life, then happy times have an additional lift. A sense of feel good and well-being is often magnified after a grim encounter. Maybe, after this pandemic has been ground to a halt positivity will be hard to contain. Once we’ve all got our lives back on track that sense of relief will turn into an unbridled sense of positivity, I hope.
Out of Control
You can plan for the future and ensure things are in place to deal with problems or the tougher times you come to expect in business life. That could mean detailed cashflow forecasts, purchasing the best insurance for your latest advertising shoot or mitigating potential workflow issues before an animation or VFX gig develops past the storyboard phase. However, there really isn’t much successful planning you can do regarding a pandemic that surreptitiously creeps up on you. It’s not something our video production company was expecting or planning for. Yes, we did make significant changes starting in February once the warning signs had begun. Searching for a niche survival offering and making changes on the hoof. As we witnessed projects pushed back, put on pause or cancelled for at least a few months. This instigated a feeling of helplessness. It is rare that something is out of your control in such an absolute way. It truly puts everything into perspective and reminds you that everyone’s health is all that matters.
Guessing Game
The problem is we didn’t know and still don’t know how long this will go on for and salaries, bills and overheads still need to be paid. That’s a dark place for any business owner be it video production company, animation studio or any other. Looking at a cashflow that looked positive at the start of the year to suddenly the prospect of no new business and repeat jobs being cancelled or indefinitely on pause is alarming. If we knew it was going to be a specific amount of time, then it would still be difficult but at least a structured plan could be in place with a definitive ending. Unfortunately, this is a story that has a beginning, the middle looks like it is fast approaching and there is no tangible end in sight.
The World Order
My intention for this blog isn’t to be negative. I can’t hide the fact that the world has been turned upside down by a virus that hitherto nobody had even heard of. I’m shocked by how much of a grip this virus has on the world order. Often in the west we are reminded of the baddies around the world and the potential for World War Three. However, I don’t think anyone thought this would be the battle the world faces. When you consider how advanced the human race is with science and technology. You’d never have thought (unless you’re in the know of course) that a virus would be able to cripple us, our way of life and our facilities this quickly.
Keeping Positive During a Crisis
There are positives to take from this. There always are positives. As daft as that may sound right now, I think it’s important to search for anything uplifting that can give even the briefest moment of peace and happiness.
One thing I’ve noticed is an overwhelming amount of people who are prepared to help others. This might be the front-line workers in the NHS, emergency services and supermarkets who are putting their own health and lives on the line for the good of everyone else. Or to a lesser extent everyone who is selflessly offering to get food, medication and essential items for others. And I don’t mean for friends and family. I’m talking about neighbours who have never really met but are happy to help their local community in any way they can. There is something intrinsically British and also human in this regard. To help others. To appreciate that we’re all in this together. We are undoubtably stronger together.
In it Together
There are vulnerable people we share this world with. Young and old people who need our support. These are our people. We share our lives with them without having met. We are all one and the same and possess that indefatigable human spirit that will eventually persevere and shine through. I have no doubt. Yes, I’ve heard the negative stories of selfishness, but they bounce off me and are repressed. The stories that stick are the ones of friendship, camaraderie and kindness. The stories that touch your soul with a message of positivity transcending everything else.
We are going to be in for a rough ride, but we are in it together. You may be isolated, but you are not alone. Please remember that.
If you have lots of spare time like I do at the moment then click here and read our in-depth guide covering all aspects of video production and what we are hoping to get back to as soon as possible. All of your frequently asked questions are answered in the guide. I hope you sense the passion and realise why we miss our vocation so much. Video production was a big part of our lives and we can’t wait to get it back.